The Broad Benefits of Backlinking Blogs

Your Outsourced Sales Team

The Broad Benefits of Backlinking Blogs

So, you’ve created a masterpiece, literary genius that would make the likes of William Shakespeare or Jane Austen proud, yet still no one is reading it, sound familiar? Don’t worry we have all been there, it doesn’t matter how ground-breaking your work is if it’s not garnering any readers and you’re left with no audience to amaze or inform.
This is where backlinking onto other sites becomes important and the rest of this article will highlight just how crucial the often overlooked and simple tool of backlinking can be for businesses.


What is a backlink?
Let’s strip this asset to the very core. A backlink is simply a link that reaches from one website to another or perhaps more importantly an inbound link from any page that redirects a user to your website. Starting to see how this can work to your advantage yet?


What is the direct benefit?
Fundamentally backlinks bring a wider audience to your domain and with them comes an influx in traffic and awareness of your site, which can only be a positive. It doesn’t even matter what business you are in!

A blog site promoting your articles? Congratulations more readers. A business selling a product? Congratulations more potential customers who are now aware of your brand and what you’re selling. If direct physical prospects are your sole target, then backlinking can be of immense assistance to you but here’s the lesser-known significance of backlinking, it has a plethora of benefits that work passively in the background to help your business become more easily accessible for your everyone.


How else can backlinking aid your business?
Having a variety of links across a diverse range of different sites, pages and domains can boost your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) which makes your site more likely to appear on the relevant target’s screens. SEO is vital for a website to thrive, without having efficient SEO a webpage may as well not exist.

Where does your site organically appear from a customer’s perspective? Perhaps you sell sheet metal, if a prospect were to search for sheet metal providers where do you place in their results? Feel free to try it now and if you aren’t happy with the results or you would like to land in the more visible placements then backlinking might be of use for you.
(Hayward Miller can provide services that audit, identify, and improve your Search Engine Optimisation).

The links work by making your website more favourable to search engines such as Google, by acting as a vote of confidence or a vouch of trust from the source site to yours and Google sees this as a great indicator that your brand should be prioritized thus pushing you higher up the rankings in the search engine.


How can I optimize my backlinking?
SEO is like the weather; it’s continuously changing and if you don’t keep an eye on it then eventually, you’ll end up thoroughly disappointed.

For this reason, it’s best to keep up with the rapidly updating cycles of SEO by backlinking to high-traffic sites at a similar speed, for the most part, the more links that anchor to your site the better. So, keep backlinking but also focus on the type of site that you are targeting.

Keep it relevant, safe, and popular and ideally you will have your desired audience not only flocking through to your site via the hyperlinks but also being recommended to them by Google itself!

Moreover, placement is key! You want your links to be visible, accessible and above all else, you need the readers to WANT to visit your site. This means embedding the link in the middle of sentences, attached to the keywords that will draw your audience across. These are known as contextual backlinks, and they are probably the most desirable form of link as they relate specifically to the niche requirement that the readers have.

Additionally, the blog that your link sits in has to be good. You wouldn’t walk into a shop that has a crumbling, dirty exterior and this also applies to links, your audience won’t visit your site if their portal is embedded in a poorly written and uninformed article.

Some business owners find it most valuable to hire a digital marketing team to help them with all aspects surrounding SEO and blog writing.
Above is the perfect example of how-to backlink blogs to maximise click-through rate and still keep your newsletter flowing without the distraction of a poorly placed link.


How effective really is backlinking?
Getting users to visit your website is a constant battle that often requires numerous tactics which all require your finite precious time and effort. So how much time should you really invest in this method?

Well, the facts honestly speak for themselves;

Google revealed that content pieces and backlinks are the top two most important factors for ranking on Google keywords. Furthermore, 58.1% of SEOs believe that backlinks have a major impact on search engine rankings (USERP State of Link Building).

All of these statistics just go to show that utilising inbound links in the right place can truly put you ahead of the competition and leave your site with a noticeable increase in visitors and potential customers.


To summarise:
In conclusion, backlinking blogs can be advantageous when focusing on the following factors:

  • Raising Brand Awareness
  • Boosts referral traffic
  • Improves organic ranking
  • Legitimises the authority of your business
  • Develops trust around website

So, if you are looking to gain more traction towards your webpage then backlinking is definitely an amazing asset that you can’t afford to overlook. The benefits are vast, the process is simple, and the tool is criminally underused.

Now do your business a favour and go and take advantage of the broad benefits of backlinking blogs.

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By Ben Cardy